How do we support investors?

The Office of the Undersecretary of Investment Development and Industrial Promotion, which reports to the Ministry of Industry, is in charge of receiving investors, guiding them, and addressing their questions. Our services include

The Office of the Undersecretary of Investment Development and Industrial Promotion, which reports to the Ministry of Industry, is in charge of receiving investors, guiding them, and addressing their questions. Our services include:

  1. Presentation of investment opportunities in the Province of Misiones
  2. Presentation of officials in key areas who can provide advice on matters within their purview
  3. Organization of a workshop to get acquainted with the project, understand the business plan, and assist in its implementation
  4. Appointment of an Investment Official to provide guidance in terms of establishment, permits, and authorizations and assistance in the event of administrative hurdles
  5. Organization of meetings with financial entities to get financing options
  6. Presentation of national and provincial programs to facilitate the creation of new companies
  7. Contact—through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion—with the Argentine embassies network abroad to facilitate the export of products and services
  8. Provision of market information and official statistics
  9. Coordination with municipalities



How to start a business in Argentina

If you are located abroad and wish to start a business in Argentina, please  click here

To download the Investor’s Guide, please  click here